Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Common Folk and RVs

Hi, my name is Steve and I am  fairly common folk.  I am 60 yrs old and have struggled through my life to make ends meet as an adult in the great US of A.  I love my country, am a bit conservative, and am looking anxiously towards retirement as the financial hit I took between '08 and '10 pretty much cleaned me out.  I was by no means rich before that time, but certainly better off than I am now.  Enough of that.  Doesn't really matter to this blog.  If you are reading this you consider yourself  at best a middle class US citizen and have a dream of spending time traveling and seeing the country in an RV!  Or, perhaps, just going south in the winter and north in the summer.  The common bond is not having $100Ks to buy an rv outright to attain your dreams.

The goal here is to share my learning curve about financing, RV Parks, boondocking, living full time in a park, and just about anything else I can find out to help you prepare for the hurdles of owning an RV.

For those of you who can afford a home and a recreational vehicle, God bless you.  The game has played out in your favor.  If you are able to contribute, any who read this blog would love to hear from you.  I have no intention of building any walls here.  I only want to help those who face the same obstacles that I have run into in a very short time with regards to owning and living full time in an RV.

So, first of all, remember I am just a common folk. Second, I am only trying to expedite the learning curve, and third, I would probably really like to meet all of you on the road.  There is nothing like an evening barbecue with new friends. Right?

coming next:  Essex Credit and the 10 YEAR RULE!